Harker cross country season opener marked by respectable runs

Submitted by cross country coach Scott Chisam.

This past weekend, the cross country team opened its season at Golden Gate Park. Arya Maheshwari, grade 9, started the day with an eighth place finish in the freshman race, out of 294 runners. Aditya Singhvi ran an excellent 23rd. 

Next up, Anna Weirich, grade 9, took third in her freshman/sophomore race, 2 seconds from winning, in a field of 289 runners. She was 20 seconds behind the leaders with 800 meters left, then sprinted to close the gap to 2 seconds at the finish line.

Senior Gloria Guo, and juniors Lilia Gonzales and Aneesha Kumar, along with Peter Connors, grade 12, and juniors Ryan Adolf and Henry Wong, led the varsity teams.

Rich Dange, grade 10, placed 25th out of 260, leading the sophomore team to a 10th place team finish, out of 32 teams.

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