Harker Community Enjoys Autumn-Themed Fun at 65th Annual Family & Alumni Picnic

Sunday was a banner day for people from throughout the Harker community, who arrived at the middle school campus in droves for the 65th annual Harker Family & Alumni Picnic. The carnival games were, as always, a popular attraction, offering attendees the chance to throw rings around bottles, fling stuffed frogs, tip tombstones and more. 

Harker faculty and staff worked the booths, making sure a great time was had by all. “It’s always fun to see all the teachers behind the booths,” said Amy Wardenburg ’13, who also said she enjoys returning to see old friends. 

One of last year’s most popular attractions, the zip line, again had attendees soaring through the air, while the new Hamster Dash put festival-goers in a large plastic ball that they moved across a track by running on all fours. 

The crowd swelled in front of the middle school amphitheater for the afternoon show, which featured several of Harker’s talented performing arts groups in a Halloween-themed spectacular, singing and dancing to songs such as “Thriller” and “Monster Mash.”

“I love seeing everyone in a different context having a lot of fun,” said Pauline Paskali, upper school English department chair. “I also love seeing old students who come back.”

Following the day’s festivities, head of school Chris Nikoloff sent a message to the Harker community to express his gratitude to all involved in making the event a success. “In an age when everyone is living fast-paced, plugged-in lives, a day of relaxation, play and human connection is both needed and precious,” he said. “Our deep gratitude to Danae McLaughlin [director of special events] for her vision and diligence in putting together, along with her team of volunteers, a truly memorable day for the community.”
