Harker Communication Office Wins Prestigious Awards

The Harker Quarterly and Harker News Online have been awarded second and third place, respectively, in the annual regional CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) contest. The competition recognizes excellence in communication, with eligibility open to any regional CASE institution, including universities and community colleges. It was the first time Harker had entered the competition.

Harker won silver in the Independent School Periodicals, Independent School magazines category for the Harker Quarterly, and bronze in the Independent School Periodicals, Independent School Web-Based or Electronic HTML Periodicals for Harker News Online.The Harker Quarterly and Harker News Online (HNO) were both launched in 2009 to replace the existing monthly internal newsletter, The Harker News, and to reach a broader audience.

Each entry was judged on quality, creativity, innovation and adherence to professional standards. There were 388 entries in this year’s competition.

“Both publications provide us with unique and expanded ways to share our exciting, diverse and newsworthy community with others,” said Pam Dickinson, Harker’s Office of Communication director. “The keepsake format of the Quarterly allows for lush features, while Harker News Online, coupled with our expanding use of social media, provide a more real time outlet for news.”

Dickinson said special kudos go to Bill Cracraft, news and information editor, for his leadership with the Quarterly and HNO content, and Nick Gassmann for the HNO design and continued improvements to that online vehicle. Other key talent contributing to the projects are Catherine Snider, publication editor; Ashley Batz, photo editor; Zach Jones, lead writer; Jenny Sandrof of Blue Heron Design; and Jaja Hsuan of Triple J Design.

Visit our homepage at www.harker.org for the digital online version of the Harker Quarterly, and http://skylark.harker.org/hno/backups/ to view the latest news in Harker News Online.
