Harker Board Member and His Wife Honored for Local Fundraising Efforts

This story originally appeared in the spring 2014 Harker Quarterly.

During its annual luncheon in November, the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Silicon Valley chapter recognized Harker Board of Trustees member Dr. Jeffery Lee and his wife, Susan Lew Lee, for their fundraising efforts and service to the local community. The Lees are parents of Jeffrey ’92 and Kathryn ’04.

Lee is an Honorary Council member for Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI). He and his wife have worked tirelessly collecting much-needed toiletries and other daily necessities for abused women and children staying at AACI’s shelter.

Michele Lew, AACI president and CEO, was quoted in her organization’s recent newsletter as saying, “I’m honored to know Jeff and Susan and thrilled that they were given this recognition. They are a model couple when it comes to giving back to the community.”

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