Harker athletic center awarded LEED Gold Certification

On Feb. 7, the new athletic center earned the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Certification! Harker’s Nichols Hall science and technology center already received LEED Gold Certification and the brand new Rothschild Performing Arts Center (RPAC), which just opened last Friday, is on track for certification. The athletic facility opened in August.

The LEED system, created and maintained by the U.S. Green Building Council, is administered by Green Certification Inc., The athletic center was awarded all 72 points applied for, including five out of five points for development density and community connectivity, six of of six points for alternative transportation—public transportation access,  19 out of 19 points for optimized energy performance and seven out of seven points for on-site renewable energy. The solar array on the roof of the athletic center will supply up to 25 percent of the energy needed for the two new buildings.  

Many other features contributed to the rating including many materials, such as paints and coatings that emit minimal vapor when installed; building materials with recycled content; water use reduction; and water efficient landscaping.

Harker’s Nichols Hall, opened in 2007, was the first school building in Santa Clara County to receive a Gold rating from LEED. Read more, here.

Here are some of the other features that helped the athletic center achieve LEED Gold Certification.

  • White reflective paint on roof
  • Bioswales to filter runoff water
  • Photovoltaic cells (supplying 25 percent of the electricity needed for the athletic center and RPAC)
  • Plumbing fixtures are designed for 40 percent reduced water use from baseline
  • Dedicated parking for high-efficiency vehicles
  • Exterior lights with photometric layout to reduce light pollution
  • 95 percent of construction debris diverted from landfill
  • No volatile organic compounds emissions from carpet or paint
  • No volatile organic compounds emissions from wood
  • Occupancy sensors on interior lighting
  • Glazing on windows that minimizes solar heat transfer
  • Structural steel contains 80 percent recycled content
  • LED lighting throughout interior and exterior of both buildings, plus the parking lot

Many thanks to Mike Bassoni, facility director, for his efforts in achieving this certification!

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