Harker and Yerba Buena students partner up to hold Youth Mayoral Forum

The San Jose Mayor Youth Forum, organized by students from Harker and Yerba Buena High School, was held Oct. 25 at the Cambrian Branch Library in San Jose, during which San Jose mayoral candidate Matt Mahan and a representative for Cindy Chavez, mayoral candidate and Santa Clara County supervisor for district 2, discussed each candidate’s platforms and positions on various issues. Topics included support for the unhoused, public transportation and education. Students had the opportunity to meet and chat with the speakers after they presented their platforms.

Harker seniors Sara Bhowmick, Kris Estrada and K.J. Williams and sophomores Valerie Li and Sahngwie Yim organized the event with a group of students from Yerba Buena High School, meeting via Zoom to plan its content and discuss promotion.

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