Grade 6 students spend week with Tamagawa buddies

Grade 6 students received a warm visit from their friends at Tokyo’s Tamagawa Academy in mid-October. The Tamagawa students arrived at Harker on Oct. 14, and enjoyed a welcome dinner, where they caught up with their Harker buddies. Tamagawa students then met up with their homestays and spent the weekend visiting sites around the Bay Area, including San Francisco and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

The following week, Tamagawa students spent time observing their buddies’ classes and partaking in various fun activities, including making tie-dyed T-shirts with both the Harker and Tamagawa logos printed on them. They also learned the Virginia Reel, a 1600s folk dance, from middle school history teacher Melanie Ramsey.

On their final day at Harker, the Tamagawa students met with Head of School Chris Nikoloff, enjoyed an origami activity and attended a special homecoming assembly.

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