Grade 6 Students Create Warm Blankets for Donation to Ill and Foster Children

At their community social in mid-November, grade 6 students made warm blankets for Project Linus, a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that provides blankets to children who are seriously ill or living in shelters.

Project Linus works to provide a sense of security, warmth and comfort through the donation of handmade, washable blankets lovingly created by volunteer makers or “blanketeers.”

This was the middle school students’ community service project for this year. In just one afternoon, the sixth graders produced 46 blankets for donation to the local branch of Project Linus, providing comfort and warmth to children in need for years to come.

Project Linus has delivered more than 4 million security blankets to children around the world and has nearly 400 chapters in the United States. The organization originally donated blankets to pediatric cancer patients, however, recipients now include any child who is seriously ill or traumatized.

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