Grade 6 Read-A-Thon a Bookworm’s Delight!

In February, sixth graders read to their hearts’ content during a read-a-thon in the library. The event was part of an effort to keep sixth graders entertained while grade 7-8 students attended an assembly.

“While the older students watched the upper school dance show, grade 6 students rotated in half-hour shifts through several different activities, one of which was a read-a-thon in the library,” explained  Bernie Morrissey, middle school librarian, who organized the successful event.

“The read-a-thon was nothing complicated: just coming to the library, choosing a book and doing some sustained silent reading. Students enjoyed it very much, and some probably would have read for the entire 90-minute period if we had let them. The other activities were arts and crafts in a classroom, and athletic contests in the gym,” he recalled.
