Grade 6 Choir Presents at Lower School

Members of the grade 6 choir “Dynamics” traveled to the lower school on Jan. 13 to present interested fourth and fifth graders with a taste of what to expect in middle school, and to drum up interest in taking the choir elective. The sixth graders, dressed in their bright blue Dynamics shirts, worked with the lower school students on tongue twisters with choreography to better enunciate while singing. The middle school students also performed a choreographed song, with the younger students dancing and singing along with them.

While grade 4 and 5 is a more traditional choir, Dynamics is a very high energy show choir, bearing some similarities to musical numbers on the television show “Glee.” “Every year I have sixth graders coming to me saying they wished they had signed up for choir, but they did not realize it was going to be so much fun,” said the group’s director, Roxann Hagemeyer. Based on the energy and laughter seen on Jan. 13, that may not be a problem next year.
