Grade 5 Students and Teachers Lip Sync the Hits

In February, the Lip Sync show provided some welcome entertainment to grade 4 and grade 5 students. The latest installment in this yearly tradition featured performances of songs by Beyonce, Drake, The Supremes and more. As the title of the show suggests, the performers lip synced to the songs while performing entertaining and often hilarious routines onstage.

The show was performed and produced by grade 5 students, teachers and staff, who organized the show in addition to auditioning the performers and providing technical support. Lower school technical theater teacher Danny Dunn and dance teacher Gail Palmer provided additional support behind the scenes.

One stand-out number featured students Anastasia Cheplyansky, Amanda Clausen, Nicole Chang, Stephanie Swanson and Shelby Guarino, grade 5 English teacher, performing The Archies’ “Sugar, Sugar” in candy-themed outfits. Taylor Kohlmann and Olivia Long also wore eye-catching attire during their pantomime to The Supremes’ “Stop in the Name of Love.” In one of the most memorable numbers, Neeraj Aggarwal and Harrison Buss strutted onto the stage with a dolled-up Joe Connolly, lower school dean of students, to the strains of the Beyonce hit “Single Ladies.”