Grade 5 Girls Basketball Team Wins 28-6 to Play in Semifinals Tonight; MS Golf Team Wins Inaugural Match

Congratulations to the girls grade 5 basketball team for their 28-6 victory over Woodland last night!  Today they play in the semifinal game against either Sacred Heart 2 or St Matthews in Harker’s Bucknall gym at 5 p.m.  Please come out and support the girls!

In addition to the accomplishments of the girls basketball, boys soccer and wrestling teams, we participated in the first ever middle school WBAL golf tournament. Please see the results below.

2012 WBAL Golf Tournament Results Summary

Individual Results:

37 – First place – Ryan Vaughan (Harker)

38 – Second place – Avi Khemani (Harker)

38 – Second place – Katherine Zhu (Harker)

39 – Third  place – Tyson Dinsmore (Pinewood)

39 – Thirdplace – Sandip Nirmel (Harker)

Team Results:

41.25 – First place – Harker

42.38 – Second place – Menlo

49.75 – Third place –  CSUS

50.00 – Fourth place – Sacred Heart

50.14 – Fifth place – Priory

52.83 – Sixth place – Pinewood

53.75 – Seventh place – Keys

65.5 – Eighth place – GMS

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