Grade 1 Students Welcome the Holidays at Seasonal Show

On Dec. 13, with winter break nearing, lower school families filled the Bucknall Theater for the grade 1 holiday show. Titled “The Search for Old Man Winter,” the show featured students from every grade 1 homeroom singing holiday tunes such as “Old Man Winter,” “A Chubby Little Snowman,” “Take Me Back to Toyland” and “Winter Wonderland.” In between songs, groups of students narrated the show, and Joe Connolly, lower school dean of students, guest-starred as Old Man Winter.

The show was wonderfully directed by performing arts teacher Kellie Binney, with superb technical direction by technical theater teacher Danny Dunn. Accompanists Paul Woodruff and his wife, Toni, again provided great musical backing to the student singers.

After the show, with the spirit of the season fresh in their minds, families gathered in the lobby to socialize and enjoy holiday treats.
