Grade 1 Students Gather to Celebrate the Holiday Season in Song

On Dec. 15, just days before the winter break, the grade 1 homeroom students of teachers Imelda Kusuma, Cindy Proctor, Larissa Weaver and Rita Stone gathered on the stage at the Bucknall Theater for the annual grade 1 holiday show, directed by Carena Montany. The students sang seasonal favorites, including “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” as well as newer songs, including “Spin a Little Dreidl” and “A Million Little Snowflakes,” the song for which the show was named.

Accompaniment was provided by violinist Toni Woodruff and pianist Peggy Lao. Credit also goes to technical director Danny Dunn and her grade 5 technical theater class for keeping the show running smoothly, and to scenic designer Whitney Pintello and choreographer Gail Palmer.

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