Grade 1 Community Service Project to Benefit Local Humane Society

For the past few weeks, the lower school – under the leadership of the grade 1 students – has been collecting toys, collars, kitty litter, food, blankets and monetary donations for the animals at the Humane Society of Silicon Valley.

On March 21, the first graders helped carry the donations, which had been stored in the Bucknall gym, out to a car for delivery to the Humane Society.  

“We had a lot of donated items. Some of the first graders did extra chores at home to earn money to donate. The total monetary contribution to the animal shelter was $486.86,” reported Rita Stone, grade 1 teacher.

Right before the service project began, the first graders took a field trip to the 80-year-old nonprofit animal shelter. There they enjoyed a tour of the facility and learned what the organization does, as well as how best to care for their own pets.

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