Gr. 8 Promotion Brings Classmates Together

The Blackford gym was abuzz with activity as 157 Gr. 8 students prepared to take the next step in their educational lives at the Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony on June 3.

After the students took their seats, head of school Chris Nikoloff welcomed the afternoon crowd of students, parents and faculty, and introduced MS division head Cindy Ellis, who greeted the Class of 2013, saying they were a very spirited group with a caring perspective. The crowd then rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. After a singing performance that included “The Harker School Anthem” and the handing out of the annual awards, the students rose one at a time to receive their certificates. As they left the stage, the students were also given leis made of candy as a congratulatory treat.

MS English teacher Patricia Lai Burrows then gave a heart-warming closing speech, congratulating the eighth graders on their hard-earned success and wishing them well in their high school careers. She bid them farewell with the Hawaiian saying “Aloha Ohana,” which fittingly translates to “Goodbye Family.”

“I have had the pleasure of knowing the Class of 2013 since their beginning days at Harker in kindergarten, first or second grade,” said MS dean of students Lana Morrison. “It has been a privilege to be part of their lives for such a long time. Watching them grow into young men and women has been an amazing experience.”

2009_06 MS G8 Promotion Ceremony Slideshow – Images by The Harker School