Global Empowerment and Outreach Club’s Multicultural Week a Success

The week of March 14- 18 was upper school multicultural week, a celebration of cultures from around the world. The collective effort of well over a hundred students, guided by members of the Global Empowerment and Outreach (GEO) Club, included a multicultural carnival, assembly and dress-up day.

At the multicultural carnival, upper school students ran booths showcasing different countries. The event was held in the Nichols Hall atrium and accompanying activities included bocce ball games, a jazz combo, henna tattoo art and a plethora of multicultural food. Countries represented included Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, China,  France, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Romania,  Scotland,  Sweden, Syria, United States and Wales.

“Although we study about [different cultures] in history classes, getting a hands-on experience is what makes the multicultural carnival special,” commented Muralikrishna Joshi, grade 11. “It is a great way to learn.”

In the multicultural assembly, students and teachers performed a multitude of acts, including an Argentine Tango, several songs in foreign languages, a Korean pop dance medley, two Indian dance numbers, and pieces on the guitar and harp. Julian Wise, grade 12 and Tristan Killeen, grade 11, emceed the assembly.

The week brought rays of sunshine to the campus in a rainy week and students thrived on the varied activities. “I think it was amazing that people were not only proudly displaying their own cultures, but also learning and enjoying others’ cultures,” said Richard Fan, grade 10.
