Gallon Creations Contest Displays Creativity

This year’s Gr. 4 and Gr. 5 Gallon Creation contest resulted in more creative entries from young science enthusiasts. The contest, which began last year, challenges students to create “gallon guys” and “gallon gals” (in addition to some “gallon animals,” including a dog, sea turtle, bird and lion) using divisions of a gallon (such as four quarts, eight pints and so on) to create the body and limbs. Winners were separated into two categories, one for creativity and one for functionality, or how well the creation showed the relationship between the measurements.

Winners for creativity were Emma Brezoczky, Kate Chow and Amy Dunphy, all Gr. 4. Functionality category winners were fifth graders Lavinia Ding and Alexis Gauba and Stephanie Swanson, Gr. 4.
