Friendship Party Produces a Cheery Donation

Imelda Kusuma and Rita Stone, both grade 1 teachers, got their classes together for their annual Friendship Party in mid-September. The parties started five years ago. Stone says the first party was borne of the idea that “the classes could get to know each other a bit better while at the same time using our character development ideas about friendship. It worked beautifully!”

Every year, the Friendship Party starts with a story — which, fittingly, centers around friendship. The story can prompt, Stone said, “good discussions.” Kusuma and Stone thought it would be meaningful for the students to extend a friendly hand to others, so they came up with the idea of all the students making a craft project for them to give to residents of a nursing home. “We explained to our classes that even though we don’t know who will be getting our projects, they will certainly brighten someone’s day, and that’s a big part of friendship!” Stone said. The students did a great job decorating pencils with fake flowers, and their craft will be donated soon.