French Teacher to Sit for Second Term on AP Board

Nicholas Manjoine has just accepted a reappointment to the 2012-13 AP French Language Development Committee. As part of his duties he will help implement testing for the AP French Language and Culture examination.

Before joining Harker in 1998 as a founding member of the faculty’s upper school where he delights in teaching a wide spectrum of French courses (from French I to AP language and advanced seminars), Manjoine held teaching posts at the secondary and university levels.

He also has taught in the English and history departments, teaching electives such as Great Novels, Speculative Fiction and Ethics. He has further served both as a reader and table leader for the AP French Literature and Language courses. A repeat recipient of National Endowment for the Humanities summer grants, Manjoine participated in month-long seminars focusing on “The Paris of Balzac, Baudelaire and Zola,” held in Paris in 2003, and “Modern French Theater” in Avignon during that city’s theater festival in 2009.

Committed to developing students’ linguistic and cultural experiences, Manjoine regularly leads students on study abroad trips such as the exchange program with Harker’s sister school in Fribourg, Switzerland, the Collège de Gambach.

When not teaching, Manjoine’s passion for lifelong learning lead him to pursue a second M.A. in liberal arts at Stanford University, which he will complete this year.
