[UPDATED] Senior Jonathan Ma Named Intel Science Talent Search Finalist

May 17, 2016 
Jonathan Ma received a First Award of $1,500 from the American Statistical Association at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in mid-May for his project,  Genomics-Based Cancer Drug Response Prediction through the Adaptive Elastic Net. 

Jan. 20, 2016:

Jonathan Ma was today named a finalist in this year’s Intel Science Talent Search. As one of 40 finalists selected from more than 1,750 initial entrants, Ma will travel to Washington, D.C. in March for the final stage of competition, where more than $1 million in prizes will be awarded. 


Four Harker seniors have been named semifinalists in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, the Society for Science announced Wednesday. The students and their projects are as follows:

Vineet Kosaraju: Rational RNA Riboswitch Design through a Massive Open Laboratory

Sophia Luo: Integrative Multi-Cohort Analysis of Preeclamptic Placenta Identifies Perturbation of the P53 Pathway, Similarity to Certain Cancer Subtypes and Clinically Relevant Drugs 

Jonathan Ma: Genomics-Based Cancer Drug Response Prediction Through the Adaptive Elastic Net 

Sadhika Malladi: Application of EMDomics to Identify Age-Associated Expression and Treatments in Cancer

More than 1,750 students from 512 high schools entered this year’s contest. Of those, 300 were selected as semifinalists and each received a $1,000 award. In addition, each student’s school also received $1,000. The 40 finalists, who will compete in Washington, D.C., will be announced on Jan. 20.

The San Jose Mercury News mentioned the four semifinalists and last year’s win by Harker grade Andrew Jin ’15 in their coverage of the contest.

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