Fitness app helps athletes with workouts

Loren Powers, Harker’s new head football and strength and conditioning coach, introduced the Volt app to the Harker campus, bringing about a new way to get into and stay in shape. He wants all students at Harker to take health and fitness to the next level, and this technology will help.

“Volt will plan your workout and, using performance training AI, will adapt and evolve each workout in real time based on your feedback,” said Powers. The app effectively becomes each user’s personal trainer, keeping track of workout dates, what machines or lifts should be utilized at what weights, and so forth, thus taking the guesswork out of workouts.

“I always want to do workouts, but I don’t know what to do,” stated Leisha Devisetti, grade 9, “so Volt gives me the exercises that I should be doing.”

Research shows that workouts are more effective when part of a long-term, structured plan, the Volt website notes. Powers hopes the whole Harker community will benefit from the program, not just athletes.

“At the moment Volt is for Harker student athletes,” said Powers. “However, it could be utilized for physical education and health and wellness sessions.”

The Volt system is popular with students working hard to attain personal fitness goals or train for their sports. “I really like it,” said Jack Connors, grade 12. “It keeps you diligent with your work and on the same track over time, so you’re not skipping a workout or doing the wrong weight when lifting.” The popularity is evident as the weight room quickly fills up as school ends.

Although the app has only been in use at Harker for a few months, Powers said, “We have already seen huge strides in body control and strength gains in the individuals who have been the most consistent with their routine.” Only time will tell how effective this program will be for our student athletes, but the excitement around the app and Coach Powers has created quite a buzz in the weight room. “A lot of people are encouraged with Coach Powers’ motivation and confidence in us,” exclaimed Connors. “That energy is really important to the weight room.”

With over a million users across America, including big-time collegiate athletic programs, including Michigan State University, Clemson University and USC, Volt  is the No. 1 AI workout app in the Apple App Store. By joining these powerhouses, the Eagles are showing WBAL and CCS teams – and beyond – that Harker is ready to compete with the best. Go Eagles!

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