First Graders Unite for Annual Friendship Party

In what has become a much-anticipated annual event, grade 1 students from Imelda Kusuma’s and Rita Stone’s classes united for their annual Friendship Party on Sept. 20.

Stone’s grade 1 homeroom joined Kusuma’s class for the afternoon gathering, which included  a story about friendship followed by tasty treats and a unique pencil craft project to be donated to a  local nursing home.

The party, which launched five years ago, was borne of the idea that the classes could get to know each other better while simultaneously learning about friendship. That initial successful event set the stage for future gatherings, which always begin with a story around the central theme of friendship intended to promote productive discussions.

Kusuma and Stone also thought it would be meaningful for the students to extend a friendly hand to others, so they came up with the idea of having them make a craft project to give to residents of a nursing home, another continued and beloved party tradition.

“This event is always a delightful time. At this gathering we were lucky enough to have a couple of BEST helping hands pitch in. We also had some wonderful parents providing assistance with the craft project and bringing in the treats,” recalled Stone.

For the craft project, students used florist tape and added a lovely flower to a pencil, which Stone said was “not as easy as it might sound!”

According to grade 1 student and party participant Ryan Barth, the best part about the gathering was making the craft for donating because he likes to help other people. He also said he liked making it because he “likes to twist things.”