[Update] Feedback Helps AP Validation Process
[Update] Derek Kameda has now been selected as a Certified College Board Consultant. Following specialized training and mentoring, he will help train Advanced Placement (AP) Coordinators and will review and help revise AP coordinator policies and best practices. Kameda said his participation would also help improve Harker’s AP test administration and increase our visibility in the AP community.In spring 2009, Harker was one of 400 schools worldwide that helped pilot potential Advanced Placement (AP) exam questions. Harker’s students and teachers “provided an invaluable service to the AP program,” says Rose Marie M. Alberic of the Educational Testing Service. The pilot program is part of an on-going effort of the College Board to keep AP exams current and valid.
Alberic continued, “It is only through the participation of teachers and students in AP classrooms that these types of analyses are possible, thus helping to ensure the validity and reliability of future exams.” Harker students previewed questions for the AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP World History, AP French Language and AP Spanish Literature tests. Derek Kameda, Harker’s upper school registrar, coordinated Harker’s participation and has just been notified he will be one of 14 people on the steering committee for the AP annual conference in Washington, D.C., in 2010.