Fashion Show Draws Swank Audience for Lunch and Dinner Shows

Once again the Harker Fashion Show wowed its audience, living up to its nine-year-old reputation as a fun, profitable fundraiser.

Appreciative audiences filled out both lunch and dinner gatherings yesterday, which were open to the public and held at the San Jose Convention Center. The theme of the event, which raised funds and awareness for the school, was Celebrate! Money raised will go a long way towards aiding Harker’s scholarship and other funds.

The theme was carried through in celebrations of  inner and outer beauty – illustrated with moving videos and breathtaking runway fashions. The videos shared the stories of the students themselves, and the bonds they had formed with their close knit community of teachers and peers. Fashions, representing a range of top designers, were expertly modeled by both students, teachers and parents alike.

“We have so much to celebrate at Harker every day,” said Chris Nikoloff, head of school, in his welcome letter in the event program. “Sure, our students win competitions, perform admirably on the field and stage, score high on tests, make the papers. But what makes me celebrate our community even more are the smaller things – students who politely open doors for each other, who smile and greet passing teachers, who say ‘thank you,’ who take so much joy from simply being in school and learning new things.”

Net proceeds from Celebrate! go to provide financial assistance to students who would otherwise be unable to benefit from a Harker education, fund the construction of the new gym and performing arts center and support the mission to purchase a third campus.

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