Face Time: Pilar Agüero-Esparza

This article originally appeared in the summer 2018 issue of Harker Magazine.

Talk to upper school art teacher Pilar Agüero-Esparza for just a few minutes and you’ll be struck by how art flows through her life. She calls it an “honor to witness” students make connections through art, treasures time in her studio – searching for a “state of flow” when she loses track of time – and counts a visit to a gallery as a crucial part of a perfect day. She also says that teaching young people about art informs her own work and keeps her connected to ideas. Read on as this Los Angeles native gives Harker Magazine a glimpse into some other things she values.

What makes you feel like a kid again?
Riding Space Mountain in Disneyland.

What are you obsessed with?
Leather handbags and shoes. Growing up in my parents’ shoe shop immersed me in the wonderful smell and feel of leather. Now, when I purchase another purse or pair of shoes, I tell my husband, “I need them, it’s research!” I treasure my Landis Outsoles Stitcher – an 800-pound piece of shoemaking equipment I got from my dad. I plan on making an art project with it someday.

For what are you most proud of yourself?
I put myself through grad school to get my MFA. When I started, I had a toddler and a part-time job at Harker; when I completed it, I was juggling my full-time job and a first grader. It was a lot of late nights and it took me almost five years to finish. (My daughter is now a Harker junior!)

What is the best compliment someone can give you?
That I am perceptive.

What gives you a reason to smile?
When I see my daughter, Olivia, dance.
