Face Time: Lauri Vaughn

This article originally appeared in the winter 2018 issue of Harker Magazine.

Lauri Vaughan begins her new job as library director in January, so it’s no surprise that books come up a lot when discussing her favorite things. Though she wishes everyone in the world had free access to books of all kinds, and says if she’s not neck-deep in a book for a while, she knows her life is out of balance and needs attention, she also finds time to volunteer with Second Harvest Food Bank each week. At Harker, she runs the ReCreate Reading program and is on the Sustainability Committee. Oh, and she really loves her puppy, Aiko!

Why do you do what you do?
I love information. Not just books and certainly not just fiction. I love the power of information. I love searching for it and finding it. And, it’s more accessible than most people think.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
Celebrate the successes of others, large and small. It’s an indelible form of kindness that is so easy, is never disingenuous and always makes your life richer.

What gives you a reason to smile?
I am so often delighted with the questions, comments and actions of Harker kids! Often, it’s the little things they do that make me smile: ask a great question, come up with a remarkable idea, wear a brilliant costume, etc.

What is something interesting about you that almost no one knows?
I have an identical twin sister, which for the first half of my life, everyone knew because we lived together. [Now] even my closest friends don’t really know me as a sister of a twin. We are very close.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Hands down, raising my son. It’s still not over, but I think he’s a pretty wonderful person and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done physically, emotionally, intellectually. But the biggest payoff, too.

Brag about something.
If there were a world series of napping, I’d win.

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