Excitement, Activity Abound as Upper School Opens

This story was originally published in the Fall 2010 issue of Harker Quarterly

The many additions to the Saratoga campus in recent years have made the start of the year a particularly exciting time for upper school students at Harker. Since 2007 the campus has grown to include such key facilities as Davis Field, the Singh Aquatic Center and Nichols Hall. This year both returning and new students had their first look at the new upper school library, which was completed this summer. With more space for both students and books, as well as areas for classroom instruction and studying, the new library will provide important amenities to students for years to come.

The students’ excitement and eagerness to begin the 2010-11 school year were palpable during the Matriculation ceremony, which was frequently punctuated by enthusiastic cheers whenever a class was mentioned. Freshmen received a special greeting from their classmates as they walked the aisle to take their seats, met by applause from the classes of 2011, 2012 and 2013 and the faculty and administration.

Students gathered the following day, the first official day of instruction, for the year’s inaugural assembly, where they were introduced to the new faculty members and learned about what was in store for them during the coming months, such as the Conservatory’s kick-off event and Cantilena’s February trip to Spain. Meanwhile, upper school sports teams began training for their first contests of the season, hitting the turf at Davis Field to prepare for another exciting season of games.