Designer Bringing Talent Back to Harker for August Show

Priya Bhikha, ’10, whose recycled designs were featured in the 2009 Harker Fashion Show, “Outside the Box: Chic and Unique,” is bringing a special show spotlighting her designs to Harker’s Saratoga gym Aug. 13, 9:30 a.m. -11 a.m. Bhikha’s new collection of Indian clothes will include sarees–some of which will be for sale–salwaar kameezes and churidars.

“I really liked her collection at the Fashion Show, so this should be interesting,” said Christina Yan, director of alumni relations.

Bhikha is inviting potential clients and many members of the Harker community, including all alumni, to this showcase of her talent. Check the Harker Alumni Facebook page for details.

Bhikha’s website is