Club Fair Showcases Variety of Exciting Ways for Upper School Students to Get Involved

There was something for everyone at the upper school’s recent club fair, where students perused a range of inviting offerings on display at tables staffed by volunteer recruiters.

Held in the gym during a long lunch on Sept. 12, the club fair served as a “one-stop-shop,” allowing students to sign up for a club or clubs that matched their interests. Among this year’s offerings were the Robotics Club, Japanese Club, Tri-Sports Club (fencing, ultimate Frisbee, four square), the Gay Straight Alliance and the Chemistry Club.

There were also clubs promoting community service and activism including such stalwarts as GEO (Global Empowerment and Outreach), HEART (Harker Environmental and Animal Rights Team) and the Key Club, part of an international high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International.

According to Kerry Enzensperger, director of the upper school’s community service and activity program, “There are no club meetings until after the fair, so it’s really an official start to clubs for the new school year.”

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