Classes Engage in Friendly Competition During Spirit Week

With spirit week in full swing and the weather clearing up nicely, Wednesday’s long lunch was enjoyed on Davis Field while spectators viewed the annual powder puff football game. Two all-female teams, one made up of grades 9 and 12, the other made up of grades 10 and 11, faced off in a game of flag football, with the sophomores and juniors utilizing a combination of passing and rushing to secure a 12-0 victory.

Sports attire was worn all over the upper school in keeping with the day’s theme. On Monday, students, faculty and staff could be seen wearing pajamas and slippers and participating in a sleeping bag race for “PJ Day,” and Tuesday featured all manner of brightly colored and obnoxiously patterned clothing for the theme of “Would You Be My Friend if I Wore This Every Day?” which featured a lunchtime balloon stomp. Cowboy hats, boots, flannel shirts, oversized belt buckles and scarves were the style du jour for Thursday’s “Wild West Day,” with students taking to the water at the Singh Aquatic Center for the duct tape regatta. On Friday, students will dress in their class colors and participate in the much-anticipated spirit rally.
