Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Spring 2016

This article originally appeared in the spring 2016 Harker Quarterly.


In the summer 2014 Harker Quarterly, we ran a feature story about Judge John Owens’ appointment to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, the nation’s largest appeals court.

On Dec. 2, he visited Harker’s lower school where he talked with the third graders about his life as a judge. And in early March, he spoke to the upper school student body during a morning assembly titled “Honors and Ethics,” sponsored by the Honor Council.

Class agent Loren Due and class committee member Kalei Kelly recently dropped by the alumni relations office for an informal lunch and to reminisce over yearbooks.

Jon Mays is keeping busy as editor of the San Mateo Daily Journal, where he has worked for many years. The Daily Journal is the leading local news coverage on the Peninsula. To view the paper:

Pat Walsh, longtime Harker math teacher and former boarding school supervisor, recently caught up with Humberto Armenta, who came to Harker’s boarding school from Monterrey, Mexico, as a fifth grader in 1981-82. Over a leisurely dinner, Humberto filled Pat in on his work over the past two decades as owner of a successful construction company called REC- SA (Regiomontana de Construcción y Servicios) in Mexico. “Having dinner with him, his daughter Anna (16) and son Humberto (10) the Friday before the Super Bowl was a blast! My wife, Terry, was there. She was the dorm house- parent at the time, so she knew Humberto well, too. My son Kevin [’01] was also at dinner. Humberto was in town to take some clients and his children to the Super Bowl. He has three other children, but they did not make the trip,” recalled Pat, adding that he and Humberto plan to stay in touch.


Joe Tremba is married to Amanda Hubber and living in Valley Village, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley. They are having fun playing with their new, very small puppy named Porkchop.


Found at last! The missing Class of 1993 time capsule was located while excavating to move the oak trees on Rosenthal Field. Facility manager Mike Bassoni and his crew found the long-lost 1993 time capsule. “It’s quite large, currently stored in the alumni closet, and the Class of 1993 is considering either a capsule-opening party, or a big 25 year reunion/capsule-opening bash!” said Karri Baker ’84, director of alumni relations.

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