Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Winter 2015

This article originally appeared in the winter 2015 Harker Quarterly.


We are saddened to announce that retired Harker employee and alumnus Dan Gelineau passed away in his home recently. Memorial services were held in November.


Louis Lai came by for lunch with Harker alumni and advancement staff to talk about old times and current happenings. Louis lives in the East Bay and has fond memories of more than 10 years spent at Harker as both a student and camp counselor.


Karri (Sakai) Baker, Kristin (Marlow) Quintin and Elise (Tremba) Robichaud reconnected during a Halloween party held at the Willow Glen home of current Harker parents Fabio Marino and Robin Feinman-Marino (Sofia Marino, grade 3). A spooktacular time was had by all!

Kristin also reconnected with Matthew Douglas. “While traveling to England on a business trip this past September, we were able to schedule a day to visit in his hometown, Farmham.

His wife and daughter prepared the most lovely lunch and then we all went out sightseeing,” she shared. “Matt and I connected on Facebook through the alumni site. I was excited to reach out to him. After 31 years, we were able to not just chat on Facebook but to have a wonderful face-to-face visit with my husband and his family. Priceless!”


Last year in Harker Quarterly we ran a feature story about Judge John Owens’ appointment to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, the nation’s largest appeals court, which shapes federal law from districts in California and eight other Western states. On Dec. 2, he returned to Harker’s lower school to visit with the third graders to talk about his life as a judge.

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