Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Winter 2014

This article originally appeared in the winter 2014 Harker Quarterly.


Alan Stevens sends a warm “aloha” from Maui, where he now resides. Previously, he lived in Pasadena and worked as the general manager for Gryphon Corp. for 15 years. Four years ago, after his father passed away, he relocated to Hawaii to be near his mother, who was living there by herself. He has taken up paddle boarding, enjoys taking his girlfriend’s dog out for walks on the beach and gardening, and is learning American Sign Language; he also helps take care of his mother’s house. “I put a new roof on the house and next year I am going to build another rental myself. I also learned how to blow glass. I belong to the Rotary Club of Kihei-Wailea and am active in the community. Last but not least, I finally have the time to pursue my passion, which is playing music. I am currently in three bands as a guitar player and working on a solo project,” he said.


Michael Cini is keeping busy as a juvenile probation officer with Maricopa County, Ariz., where he has worked for nearly 18 years while raising his two teenage children. Reflecting back upon his time at Harker he said, “My favorite memory was when actor Burt Young came to Harker and signed autographs for everyone there. I still have it to this day. Also I have fond memories of playing tetherball.”

Monette Matkovich Lindblom is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. “I’ve been living in Reno for almost 20 years with my husband, Monte. We have two children, Letishia (24) and Zachary (14). We have a grandson, Cash (1). Letishia is expecting another baby boy in December! My favorite memory would be of doing a commercial skit in Miss Conway’s third grade class. We were sitting in a rowboat singing the Oscar Meyer bologna song! I also remember playing out at recess that year while it was snowing. We were all so happy that day because it rarely snowed in San Jose,” she recalled.


Joe Chen recently visited the Saratoga campus, site of the school’s former boarding program. Here he is shown taking a selfie with Pam Dickinson, director of Harker’s Office of Communication. Joe had just completed a month- long rotation at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and was soon headed back to medical school at Creighton University in Nebraska. “We were having fun touring the old dorm area and this photo was taken outside what was once Joe’s dorm window,” recalled Pam.
