Chinese Students Visit Harker for Annual Exchange

Nineteen Chinese students from the World Foreign Language Middle School in Shanghai, China, visited Harker for a week in mid-January as part of an annual exchange program organized by the global education department. The Chinese students were paired with Harker “buddies,” whose families hosted the students for the duration of their stays.

The exchange group was given the full VIP treatment at Harker, where they were able to observe and attend several classes, including dance with Gail Palmer, drama with Monica Colletti and art with Elizabeth Saltos. After getting a taste of Harker’s classes, the visiting students assisted their buddies in leading a Chinese traditional paper-cutting activity for grade 4 and 5 students. While they were here, the Chinese group went on excursions to San Jose, Stanford and San Francisco, where they went souvenir shopping and walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.
