CareerConnect interview session prepares students for internship and job interviews

By Roma Gandhi, grade 12

In mid-January, CareerConnect held a workshop on interview tips and mock interviews. Michael Acheatel, business and entrepreneurship teacher, started the event with a presentation in which he gave advice on how to handle interviews and the characteristics that interviewers are seeking.

One-on-one mock interviews were then conducted with industry professionals, allowing students to implement Acheatel’s advice. The students were asked common interview questions by the professionals and responded. In the end, students received personalized feedback from their interviewers to help them improve for the future.

As this workshop was an opportunity to get valuable advice from industry professionals, students learned a lot from the event. “I definitely think it was a very beneficial experience,” said Trisha Variyar, grade 9, “I’ve never done an interview before so having some sort of way to test it out before the real one was very helpful.”

In all, the interview tips and mock interview workshop was a great success and helped students develop their professional skills as they start applying for opportunities such as club officer positions, summer programs, jobs and internships.

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