Cantilena Visited by Members of Renowned Choir

In early January, Cantilena (Harker’s classical, all-female singing ensemble directed by performing arts instructor Susan Nace) received a visit from two members of Chanticleer, the San Francisco-based all-male choir that has achieved worldwide renown since its founding in 1978. Singers Ben Johns and Gabriel Lewis-O’Connor served as guest teachers for the day as part of Chanticleer’s Education Outreach program.

The pair ran the students through some singing exercises and offered their guidance with two songs Cantilena had been learning: “Hotaru Koi,” a Japanese children’s song arranged by Ro Ogura, and “The Snow,” by late 19th- and early 20th-century composer Sir Edward Elgar. Along the way, they coached the students about how to interpret the words and music vocally, as well as express themselves through movement while singing.
