Cantilena Gets Rave Reviews at Women’s Choral Exchange

Cantilena appeared at the Women’s Choral Exchange at Saratoga High School on Nov. 8, where the group performed a number of songs from its own repertoire, as well as two songs from Ralph Vaughan Williams’ opera “In Windsor Forest” with all of the groups at the event.

Songs sung by Cantilena included the Iroquois soundscape “Watane,” which incorporated percussion and atmospheric sound effects, and “Las Amarillas,” a traditional Mexican song performed entirely in Spanish.

Attendees were very impressed with Cantilena’s performance, particularly “Watane” for its bravely experimental nature. Susan Nace, who directs Cantilena, reported hearing many compliments from parents at other schools, including one parent who asked, “How do you get your girls to sound like that?”
