Busy Debate Team in Finals and Semifinals on East Coast

Harker debaters made the final round of the National Debate Coaches Association  Championships the weekend of April 17-18 in Washington, D.C. Justine Liu, Gr. 11 and Akshay Jagadeesh, Gr. 10, lost in the final round  in Public Forum Debate in a 2-1 decision.  Ziad Jawadi, Gr. 11 and Aakash Jagadeesh, Gr. 10, were semifinalists.

The prior weekend, Harker debaters flew to New York to compete in the Westchester Classic tournament, where freshmen Anuj Sharma and Aneesh Chona won the final round of Varsity Public Forum Debate to earn the tournament title. Senior Kelsey Hilbrich and sophomore Frederic Enea lost in the quarterfinal round, and Hilbrich was named top speaker of the tournament.

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