Bucknall Dance Concert Celebrates 10 Years of Performances

By Gail Palmer
In late May 250 grade 1-5 students and 19 faculty and staff danced in the 10th annual Bucknall dance concert, “Music That Moves Us Too!” To celebrate, the theme this year was the same as the one used for the first show. The theme illustrates that music is a powerful medium that can move people both physically and emotionally.

Rather than selecting the music myself, I asked the faculty and staff to suggest a song that moves them and to describe why it moves them. The faculty and staff were videotaped telling the anecdotes, stories and memories about the songs and they were used as introductions to the dance routines. The introductions were inspirational, sentimental, funny, nostalgic and poignant. The variety of song suggestions illustrates that music has universal appeal, with lyrics that speak to us, voices that lift our spirits and rhythmic arrangements that resonate in our bodies.

Kathy Clark, librarian, suggested the song that was used for the opening number, “I’ve Got The Music In Me,” by the Kiki Dee Band. This song is special because 10 years ago it was the song used for the finale of the first dance concert, which led to a tradition that continues to this day, “Music at Lunch.”

To decide the finale for the show, I play three different songs for the Bucknall student body during lunches and students vote for the song they like the best. This year, appropriately, the chosen song was “Sing A Song … It Will Make You Dance,” by Earth, Wind & Fire.

The costumes were fit for a runway with the highlight being the “Monster in the Mirror” costumes by Marilyn Watts. Sesame Street came to life on stage. The faculty and staff were a highlight bringing disco back in style, dancing to “Night Fever” and ’80s Madonna with a routine to “Holiday.” The students’ hard work, energy and enthusiasm brightened the stage and moved the audience to want to dance, too!

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