Boys golf, tennis and volleyball lead the way as the spring season takes off

Boys Golf

The boys golf team officially opened its season with a strong fifth place finish out of 25 of the best Bay Area teams at the very competitive Livermore Cowboy Classic. Jaimin Bhagat, grade 10, led the Eagles with a 2-over-par 74. This week, the Eagles take on Crystal Springs Uplands on Tuesday before traveling to Nevada for the Pahrump Valley Invitational on Thursday.


The track and field team opened its season at the Willow Glen Invitational over the weekend. Marcus Tymous, grade 11, Andy Koonmen, grade 11, and Nikki Solanki, grade 10, were each heat winners in their events. Anton Novikov, grade 9, ran his debut Harker 100-meter, placing seventh out of 75 frosh-soph sprinters. The varsity boys 400m relay team of Tymous, Angel Cervantes, grade 12, Mitchell Granados, grade 11, and Anthony Contreras, grade 12, placed fourth to earn medals for the team. Anna Weirich, grade 9, was a medalist in her first Harker race, placing fourth during the coldest part of the day in the 800m. The Eagles are back on the track this Saturday at The King’s Academy Track Classic.

Boys Tennis

The boys tennis team opened its season with a 7-0 win over Sacred Heart Prep, followed by a 5-2 win over Aragon last week. This week, the boys stay busy as they take on Nueva on Monday, Priory on Tuesday, Aptos on Wednesday and Menlo on Thursday.

Boys Volleyball

The boys volleyball team opened its season with a 3-0 win over Saratoga before going 3-1 at the Wilcox Tournament earning the Silver Division Championship. This week, the Eagles host Los Gatos on Wednesday, then travel to Oak Grove on Friday.


The baseball team fell to Menlo 11-0 last week, but the Eagles turned what is believed to be the first triple play in school history. Max Lee, grade 10, Zach Hoffman, grade 11, Dominic Cea, grade 12, and Bobby Schick, grade 12, were all involved in this rare baseball feat. This week, the Eagles host Independence High on Monday before traveling to Jefferson High on Thursday.


The softball team took a tough 13-16 loss to Palo Alto last week in a wild back and forth game. The Eagles host Notre Dame San Jose on Tuesday and travel to Fremont High on Friday.


The swim team competes next at the Small School Invitational on March 10 at Sacred Heart Prep.


The lacrosse team opens its season on Tuesday by hosting Salinas High.
