Baby Wants Candy Improv Troupe to Give Public Performance and Workshop to Harker Students

Harker will host a performance by the renowned improvisational group Baby Wants Candy (BWC) on Sat., Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. at the Blackford Theater. Joining BWC for this show will be none other than Harker’s own performing arts students, who will attend a special workshop hosted by BWC on Feb. 3 and 4.

Based out of New York City and Chicago, Baby Wants Candy has received rave reviews from The New York Times, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Huffington Post and more for its hilarious, creative and entirely improvised shows. During a typical Baby Wants Candy performance, the audience will shout the title of a never-before-performed musical. From there, the BWC players improvise an hour-long show, complete with musical accompaniment and dance numbers choreographed on the spot. With more than 1,850 such shows performed everywhere from New York to London to Singapore, Baby Wants Candy has established itself as a hotbed of talent, with its members going on to become cast members of “Saturday Night Live,” “30 Rock,” “MadTV” and more.

Baby Wants Candy cast members attended Harker’s performance of “Pippin” at the 2011 Fringe festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. “They were so impressed they invited the students to a special workshop at the University of Edinburgh, then offered to bring their show to Harker,” said Laura Lang-Ree, Harker’s performing arts director. “This show is ‘likely to sell out, so get your tickts, fast!”

The performance will be held at Harker’s Blackford Theater at 3800 Blackford Ave., San Jose. Tickets are $15, Students $10, and can be purchased online at The show is expected to sell out but a few tickets may still be available at the door. For more information, please contact

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