Answer Quest Informs, Welcomes New Harker Kindergarten Parents

Harker’s newest families had an opportunity to get their questions answered at the kindergarten Answer Quest, the school’s annual orientation for parents of incoming students.

The informal event, held during the evening of April 17, began with check-in and light refreshments, giving parents the opportunity to get to know one another. Then, as the quest for answers to parental questions officially began, participants were asked to travel from table to table in the gym at the Bucknall campus to chat with Harker staff. Following that came an administrative presentation and additional chance for questions and answers.

Sponsored by the Harker admission team for all grade levels, Answer Quest is an especially important first step for parents of kindergartners who are new to the Harker community and may not have other children already attending the school.

Knowing that answers to all the questions in the Answer Quest booklet handed out during the program would be made available in a special section of the parent portal on Harker’s website the day after the event, parents were relieved of any note-taking burden and instead were able to simply relax and enjoy the evening.

With the goal of working as a team in mutual commitment to each student’s success, Answer Quest enables newcomers to learn about Harker’s educational philosophy, gain an overview about curriculum and procedures and get a sense of the school’s dynamic, rich and exciting environment.
