Alumni panel gives advice on how to make the most of high school

On Sept. 25, CareerConnect held a Harker alumni panel via Zoom. Three alumni, Haley Tran ’17, Lucas Wang ’17 and Vignesh Panchanatham ’18, talked about things students should know before graduating from high school. They discussed founding and joining clubs, finding summer opportunities, their college experiences and more. In addition, they answered many questions from students.

“This event helped me learn more about the little niches in school and outside of school to do before graduating high school,” said Jessica Zhou, grade 10, commented. “Fostering a connection with teachers in the subjects you are interested in can help you down the road when doing events or projects related to it and making sure to do what you enjoy is extremely important.”

The event was a great success and helped students learn about how to get involved in the Harker community and make the most of high school!

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