Tara Chandra ’06 is #2 in Japan and Released a New Music Video in Mid-February!

Tara Priya (better known to us as Tara Chandra ’06) is hitting her stride as a professional singer! She is #2 in on the Japanese MacDonalds Zip Hot 100 chart this week  and just released a new music video. Note: this video contains a bit of strong language and suggestive scenes. We rate it PG-13!

Chandra graduated from Columbia University in economics, political science and music performance in 2008. After spending a brief time in the financial field, she returned to her true passion, music. She recently moved from the Bay Area to Los Angeles, where she is pursuing a career as a singer and songwriter. To read more about her, see our Harker Quarterly article, reprinted in Harker News Online.
