Advancement Efforts Move Master Plan Forward

This article was originally published in the Fall 2011 Harker Quarterly.

Over the course of the past two years, many members across the spectrum of the Harker community have participated in various head of school gatherings, focus groups and online surveys concerning campus planning and, in early September, Head of School Chris Nikoloff held a series of informational campus luncheons to update families on Harker’s strategic planning.

Additionally, in preparation for this year’s accreditation cycle by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, a comprehensive self-study has been undertaken, resulting in Harker’s Strategic Planning Philosophy Statement. The statement serves as a guide for the school’s overall financial planning process.

Based upon the input of the school community and the work that was done in the self-study, four major strategic financial priorities have been identified: 1) ongoing program excellence; 2) purchasing a third campus to replace the leased Blackford campus; 3) continuing improvements on the Saratoga campus according to the master site plan; and 4) increasing endowment/reserves.

Ongoing program excellence, the first and most important priority, is funded by tuition, annual giving and the annual interest earned from our endowments. The down payment on the third campus, plus both new buildings on the Saratoga campus, gym and theater, will need to be funded by capital giving. Phase 4 of the Cornerstones of Success Campaign will raise funds specifically for these financial priorities.

Completion date of the new facilities will depend on the progress of the campaign. The hope is that enough funds will be raised so the school will be able to construct both gym and theater at the same time, saving money and limiting the disruption to the campus during construction. For more information or to make a contribution, please contact Joe Rosenthal, the executive director of advancement, at