Second Middle School Student Accepted into Honor Choir

While on Harker’s national parks field trip, Alexis Gauba, grade 7, received exciting news from her parents: she’d been accepted into the 2012 Western Division Junior High Girls Honor Choir!

“The audition process involved singing two scales to show range and intonation. We were also required to sing a song selected by them, ‘My Country ‘Tis of Thee,’ and one song of my choice; I chose ‘Sebben Crudele,’ an Italian song. I prepared for the auditions by practicing the pieces over and over until they were perfect, and then I submitted the recordings. The waiting process was pretty nerve-racking,” said Gauba.

The audition process can be scary, and Dave Hart, a middle school instrumental music teacher, acknowledged the bravery needed to participate. “You never know what will happen with these types of auditions. The hard part is putting yourself out there and giving yourself a chance to be selected. You have to be willing to fail [in order] to create new and wonderful opportunities for yourself.”

The choir, part of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Western Conference, received auditions from up and down the West Coast, as well as from Arizona, Utah and Hawaii. According to Hart, “These conferences invite choral educators from around the West Coast to attend. Along with wonderful lectures and poster sessions, top educators are invited to work with [the honor choirs].” This year’s conference will be held in Reno, Nev., which means Gauba will have the chance to work with a variety of excellent choral educators when she travels there in February.

Hart participated in choirs such as this one when he was in school, and found the experience very rewarding. “It is special when you get a chance to spend time with other people who have a similar passion for music. When I heard about the ACDA Western Division Junior High Honor Choir, I was excited to offer the opportunity to audition to the members of my choir.”

Gauba said she’s, “Elated. I was so excited at getting this wonderful opportunity. I believe that The Harker School choir and all the audition practices and performance opportunities helped me in my preparation and I am grateful for that.”

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