Key Club Travels to Conference, Squeezes in Disneyland

[Updated] In mid-April Harker’s Key Club took a trip to Anaheim to attend the annual Key Club district convention. More than 3,000 students attended from all over California, Hawaii and Nevada. The group, chaperoned by Kerry Enzensperger, activities director, and Kevin Williamson, upper school dean of students, also spent a day at Disneyland.

“Our focus for our visit to the convention was primarily to become exposed to the diverse world that Key Club is a part of,” said Farrah Gulzar, grade 11, vice president of Key Club. “Not only were we able to meet new people, but we were informed of fundraising ideas, amazing organizations and various projects that we may be able to integrate into our own club for the 2011-2012 term. 

 “I was really intrigued by the project that Kiwanis and UNICEF are working on, “Project Eliminate.” This project focuses on helping children with the disease MNT, and the information they gave us and the videos we were presented created a new awareness in many of us. I’m hoping that in next year’s term we can focus our efforts on this project,” Gulzar said.

“At DCON, there are group sessions, where all 3000 of us are gathered into a giant room where we are updated on the progress of our entire district,” said Jennifer Nguyen, grade 12, president of the club, “covering things like new membership, the total community service hours we all have donated, the amount of money we raised and so forth.”

“Then, there are also seminars which are typically smaller, about 50-60 people per seminar,” Nguyen continued. “You get to choose which seminar you would like to attend and they range anywhere from “How to be a Successful Leader” to “Key Club 101,” thus, every Key Clubber can personalize his or her agenda to suit what they have in mind for their involvement in Key Club.

“Because our club arrived to convention early, we were able to spend a day at Disneyland. The weather was perfect and we were all able to have lunch together,” said Nguyen. “It was amazing! We were also able to squeeze in about an hour poolside where Mr. Williamson treated us all to refreshments and we were able to talk freely with him about the community service policies at Harker. It was very interesting to be able to talk as a group and communicate our thoughts and ideas directly to the administration.”
