Orchestra Achieves Milestone with CMEA Unanimous Superior

The Harker School Orchestra, led by Chris Florio, reached a new pinnacle in its development today when it received a unanimous superior rating at the Californian Music Educators Association festival. The orchestra, 71 students strong, performed “Elsa’s Procession” from “Lohengrin” by Richard Wagner and “Polovetsian Dances” by Alexander Borodin. Judges’ comments included, “very ambitious program, nicely done; impressive technique; excellent solo work.”

“Our program has been growing and improving steadily for the past six years,” said Florio. “This honor is really a testament to the hard work that these students and those who have graduated from our orchestra have put in.

“Although we don’t measure our success as an orchestra by these festivals, they are a still a great event that helps the greater musical public know what great things we are doing at Harker. Our students love to play orchestral music and that passion comes out in their playing. That is what the judges heard today and that is what, I believe, led to our unanimous superior,” Florio added.

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