Innovation Team Seeks Votes for Environmental Video

The Harker Innovation Team has submitted a video to the LEAF ECOmmercial contest and they need your help to win! The competition has a variety of prizes including Most Viewed and Most Liked, so please help the team promote their video to the Harker community by viewing the video and liking it on Facebook by April 12.

“The goal of our video is to promote lower electricity consumption by encouraging people to take action – particularly to turn off lights whenever possible,” said Isaac Madan, grade 12. “We chose to focus on this because electricity is often assumed to be an unlimited resource that can be consumed without qualms. Yet, energy conservation is necessary to protect our environment and limit fossil fuel use.

“We figured that reminding people to turn off the lights is a great way for people to begin limiting their electricity use and begin thinking more about their electricity demand. Moreover, we emphasized that often the talk about the environment by scientists, politicians, etc., can be overwhelming, but taking action to protect the environment individually can be quite simple,” Madan noted.

The Harker Innovation Team works on a variety of competitive engineering and environmental projects throughout the school year and hopes their message will resonate with viewers of all ages who are aware of issues around global warming and environmentalism.

The team consists of Madan as captain and founder; Ambrish Amaranathan, grade 12; Sachin Jain, Prag Batra, Arihant Jain, all grade 11; Ram Menon and Shantanu Joshi, both grade 10.

The goal of the competition is to develop a public service commercial that encourages environmental awareness and/or conservation. There are various prizes in the competition, including Most Viewed and Most Liked (via Facebook). “We hope to do well in the award categories, but primarily our goal is to promote the idea of limiting electricity consumption to protect the environment,” added Madan.

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